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Media and Interviews​


Our research has been featured in CBC, Canadian Geographic, Fisheries Magazine and other news and blog outlets.


Click the links below to visit these difference pieces.






Talking salmon with students


When in the field in the small community of Likely, BC, I had the opportunity to talk about my research with local students. The students spent a couple days at the Quesnel River Research Centre and they joined me in the field to gain hands on experience catching salmon from the river. We also discussed my research and talked about the importance of Pacific salmon to the ecosystem.


Students from Williams Lake that participated in the 2015 Salmon trip 

Learning about salmon fertlization

Younger students learning about salmon too

Showing students some of the salmon in the tank



University Research Showcase


As a graduate student, I was often involved in efforts to showcase some of the research happening in my department at the University. As part of the "Science Rendezvous", I gave tours around the department to talk about the science and highlight some of our amazing facilities. I was also involved in the Research Showcase at the Devonshire mall, where we engaged community members in our local research efforts.​

 At the Research Showcase talking about the round goby, an invasive species in the Great Lakes (Photo from the Windsor Star)

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