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Updated: January 2025​​

47. Dempson, J.B., Van Leeuwen, T.E., Bradbury, I.R., Lehnert, S.J., Coté, D., Cyr, F., Pretty, C. and Kelly, N.I. 2024. A review of factors potentially contributing to the long-term decline of Atlantic salmon in the Conne River, Newfoundland, Canada. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 32, 479-504.

46. Nugent, C.M., Kess, T., Langille, B.L., Beck, S.V., Duffy, S., Messmer, A., Smith, N., Lehnert, S.J., Wringe, B.F., Kent, M. and Bentzen, P. Bradbury, I.R. 2024. Post‐glacial recolonization and multiple scales of secondary contact contribute to contemporary Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) genomic variation in North America. Journal of Biogeography, 51, 1767-1782.

45. Kess, T., Lehnert, S.J., Bentzen, P., Duffy, S., Messmer, A., Dempson, J.B., Newport, J., Whidden, C., Robertson, M.J., Chaput, G., Breau, C., April, J., Gillis, C.A., Kent, M., Nugent, C., Bradbury, I.R.. 2024. Variable parallelism in the genomic basis of age at maturity across spatial scales in Atlantic Salmon. Ecology and Evolution 14, e11068.

44. Van Leeuwen, T.E., Cote, D., Lehnert, S.J., Lewis, S.A., Walsh, D., Bungay, K., Kelly, N.I., McGinn, J., Adams, B., Dempson, J.B. 2024. Illegal incidents and violations related to Atlantic salmon fishing in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, during 2001–2020. Fisheries Management and Ecology 31, e12652.

43. Robertson, M.J., Lehnert, S.J., Kelly, N.I., Hamilton, L.C., Jones, R.A., Levy, A.L., Poole, R., Burke, C.M., Duffy, S.J., Messmer, A., Bradbury, I.R. 2024. Genetic sex determination improves Canadian Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population assessments. Fisheries Management and Ecology 31, 12655.

42. Sajid, Z., Gamperl, A.K., Parrish, C.C., Colombo, S.M., Santander, J., Mather, C., Neis, B., Holmen, I.M., Filgueira, R., McKenzie, C.H., Cavalli, L.S., Jeebhay, M., Gao, W., López Gómez., M.A., Ochs, C., Lehnert, S.J., Couturier, C., Knott, C., Romero, J.F., Caballero-Solares, A., Cembella, A., Murray, H.M., Fleming, I.A., Finnis, J., Fast, M.D., Wells, M., Singh, G.G. 2024. An aquaculture risk model to understand the causes and consequences of Atlantic Salmon mass mortality events: A review. Reviews in Aquaculture 16, 1647-1695.

41. Van Leeuwen, T.E., Lehnert, S.J., Breau, C., Fitzsimmons, M., Kelly, N.I., Dempson, J.B., Neville, V.M., Young, M., Keefe, D., Bird, T.J., Cote, D. 2023. Considerations for water temperature-related fishery closures in recreational Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) catch and release fisheries: A case study from eastern Canada. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 31, 598-619.


40. Lehnert, S.J., Bradbury, I.R., Wringe, B.F., Van Wyngaarden, M., Bentzen, P. 2023. Multifaceted framework for defining conservation units: An example from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Canada. Evolutionary Applications, 16, 1568-1585.

39. Nugent, C.M., Kess, T., Brachmann, M.K., Langille, B.L., Duffy, S.J., Lehnert, S.J., Wringe, B.F., Bentzen, P., Bradbury, I.R. 2023. Whole‐genome sequencing reveals fine‐scale environment‐associated divergence near the range limits of a temperate reef fish. Molecular Ecology 32, 4742-4762.


38. Hall, J.R., Lehnert, S.J., Gonzalez, E., Hanlon, J.M., Kumar, S., Morris, C.J., Rise, M.L. 2023. Snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) hemocytes and hepatopancreas transcriptomes: identification, validation, and application of immune-relevant biomarkers of exposure to noise. Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1198036.


37. Nugent, C.M., Kess, T., Brachmann, M.K., Langille, B.L., Holborn, M.K., Beck, S.V., Smith, N., Duffy, S.J., Lehnert, S.J., Wringe, B.F., Bentzen, P., Bradbury, I.R. 2023. Genomic and machine learning‐based screening of aquaculture‐associated introgression into at‐risk wild North American Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations. Molecular Ecology Resources 00, 1-17.

36. Bradbury, I.R., Lehnert, S.J., Kess T., Van Wyngaarden, M., Duffy, S., Messmer, A.M., Wringe, B.F., Karoliussen, S., Dempson, J.B., Fleming, I.A., Solberg, M.F., Glover, K.A., Bentzen, P. 2022. Genomic evidence of recent European introgression into North American farmed and wild Atlantic salmon. Evolutionary Applications 15, 1436-1448.

35. Jeffery, N.W., Lehnert, S.J., Kess, T., Layton, K.K.S., Wringe, B.F., Stanley, R.R.E. 2022. Application of omics tools in designing and monitoring marine protected areas for a sustainable blue economy. Frontiers in Genetics 13, 886494.

34. Watson, K.B., Lehnert, S.J., Bentzen, P., Kess, T., Einfeldt, A., Duffy, S., Perriman, B., Lien, S., Kent, M., Bradbury, I.R. 2022. Environmentally associated chromosomal structural variation influences fine-scale population structure of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Molecular Ecology 31, 1057-1075.

33. Kess, T., Einfeldt, A.L., Wringe, B., Lehnert, S.J., Layton, K.K.S., McBride, M.C., Robert, D., Fisher, J., Le Bris, A., den Heyer, C., Shackell, N., Ruzzante, D.E., Bentzen, P., Bradbury, I.R. 2021. A putative structural variant and environmental variation associated with genomic divergence across the Northwest Atlantic in Atlantic Halibut. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 78, 2371-2384.

32. Bradbury, I.R., Lehnert, S.J., Messmer, A., Duffy, S.J., Verspoor, E., Kess, T., Gilbey, J., Wennevik, V., Robertson, M., Chaput, G., Sheehan, T., Bentzen, P., Dempson, J.B., Reddin, D. 2021. Over half a century of range-wide genetic assignment reveals long-distance oceanic migration in Atlantic salmon. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78, 1434-1443.

31. Kess, T., Dempson, J.B., Lehnert, S.J., Layton, K.K.S., Einfeldt, A., Bentzen, P., Salisbury, S.J., Messmer, A., Duffy, S.J., Ruzzante, D.E., Nugent, C.M., Ferguson, M.M., Leong, J.S., Koop, B.F., O'Connell, M., Bradbury, I.R. 2021. Genomic basis of extreme deep-water adaptation in sympatric Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus) morphs. Molecular Ecology 30, 4415-4432.

30. Hall, J.R., Lehnert, S.J., Gonzalez, E., Kumar, S., Hanlon, J.M., Morris, C.J., Rise, M. L. 2021. Snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) hepatopancreas transcriptome: identification and testing of candidate molecular biomarkers of seismic survey impact. Fisheries Research 234, 105794.

29. Layton, K.K.S., Senlgrove, P.V.R., Dempson, J.B., Kess, T., Lehnert, S.J., Bentzen, P., Duffy, S.J., Messmer, A.M., Stanley, R.R.E., DiBacco, C., Salisbury, S.J., Ruzzante, D.E., Nugent, C.M., Ferguson, M.M., Leong, J.S., Koop, B.F., Bradbury, I.R. 2021. Genomic evidence of past and future climate-linked loss in a migratory Arctic fish. Nature Climate Change 11, 551.

28. Roy, D., Lehnert, S.J., Venney, C.J., Walter, R., Heath, D.D. 2020. NGS-usat: Bioinformatics framework supporting high throughput microsatellite genotyping from next generation sequencing platforms. Conservation Genetic Resources 13, 161-173.

27. Lehnert, S.J., Kess, T., Bentzen, P., Clément, M., Bradbury, I.R. 2020. Selection and recombination shape patterns of genomic differentiation between European and North American Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Molecular Ecology 29, 2160-2175.

26. Lehnert, S.J., Baillie, S.M., MacMillan, J., Paterson, I.G., Buhariwalla, C.F., Bradbury, I.R., Bentzen, P. 2020. Over half a century of stocking has resulted in limited hatchery introgression in wild brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations of Nova Scotia. Evolutionary Applications 13,1069–1089

25. Bradbury, I.R., Duffy, S., Lehnert, S.J., Johannsson, R., Fridriksson, J.H., Castellani, M., Burgetz, I., Sylvester, E.V.A., Messmer, A., Layton, K.K.S., Kelly, N., Dempson, J.B., Fleming, I.A. 2020. Model-based evaluation of the genetic impacts of farm escapes on wild Atlantic salmon. Submitted: Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 12, 45-59

24. Kess, T., Bentzen, P., Lehnert, S.J., Sylvester, E.V.A., Lien, S., Kent, M.P., Sinclair-Waters, M., Morris, C., Wringe, B., Fairweather, R., Bradbury, I.R. 2020. Modular chromosome rearrangements reveal parallel and nonparallel adaptation in a marine fish. Ecology and Evolution 10, 638-653

23. Lehnert, S.J., Christensen, K.A., Vandersteen, W.E., Sakhrani, D., Pitcher, T.E., Heath, J.W., Koop, B.F., Heath, D.D., Devlin, R.H. 2019. Carotenoid pigmentation in salmon: variation in expression at BCO2-l locus controls key fitness trait affecting red coloration. Proceedings of Royal Society B 286, 20191588.

22. Lehnert, S.J., Kess, T., Bentzen, P., Kent, M.P., Lien, S., Gilbey, J., Clement, M., Jeffery, N.W., Waples, R.S., Bradbury, I.R. 2019. Genomic signatures and correlates of widespread population declines in salmon. Nature Communications 10:2996.

21. Semeniuk, C.A.D., Capelle, P.M., Dender, M.G.E., Devlin, R.H., Dixon, B., Drown, J., Heath, J.W., Hepburn, R., Higgs, D.M., Janisse, K., Lehnert, S.J., Love, O.P., Mayrand, J., Mickle, M., Pitcher, T.E., Neff, B., Semple, S.L., Smith, J.L., Toews, S., Venney, C., Wellband, K, Heath, D.D. 2019. Domestic-wild hybridization to improve aquaculture performance in Chinook salmon. Aquaculture 511:734255.

20. Lowen, J.B., Hart, D.R., Stanley, R.R.E., Lehnert, S.J., Bradbury, I.R., DiBacco, C. 2019. Assessing effects of genetic, environmental and biotic gradients in Species distribution modelling. ICES Journal of Marine Science fsz049.

19. Kess, T., Bentzen, P., Lehnert, S.J., Sylvester, E.V.A., Lien, S., Kent, M.P., Sinclair-Waters, M., Morris, C., Regular, P., Fairweather, R., Bradbury I.R. 2019. A migration-associated supergene reveals loss of biocomplexity in Atlantic cod. Science Advances 5:eaav2461.

18. Lehnert, S.J., Bentzen, P., Kess, T., Lien, S., Horne, J.B., Clément, M., Bradbury, I. R. 2019. Chromosomal polymorphisms track trans-Atlantic divergence and secondary contact in Atlantic salmon. Molecular Ecology 28:2074-2087.

17. Arnekleiv, J.V., Davidsen, J.G., Sheehan, T.F., Lehnert, S.J., Bradbury, I.R., Ronning, L., Sjursen, A.D., Kjaerstad, G., Lubinski, B.A., Nilssen, K.J. 2019. Demographic and genetic description of Greenland’s only indigenous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population. Journal of Fish Biology 94:154-164.

16. Lehnert, S.J., DiBacco, C., Van Wyngaarden, M., Jeffery, N.W., Lowen, J.B., Wringe, B.F., Stanley, R.R.E., Hamilton, L.C., Bradbury, I.R. 2019. Fine-scale temperature associated genetic structure between inshore and offshore populations of sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus). Heredity 122:69-80.

15. Lehnert, S.J., Garver, K.A., Richard, J., Devlin, R.H., Lajoie, C., Pitcher, T.E., Heath, D.D. 2018. Significant differences in maternal carotenoid provisioning and effects on offspring fitness in Chinook salmon colour morphs. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31:1876-1893.

14. Sylvester, E.V.A., Beiko, R., Bentzen, P., Paterson, I.G., Horne, J.B., Watson, B., Lehnert, S.J., Duffy, S., Clément, M., Robertson, M.J., Bradbury, I.R. 2018. Environmental extremes drive population structure at the northern range limit of Atlantic salmon in North America. Molecular Ecology 27:4026-4040.

13. Lehnert, S.J., DiBacco, C., Jeffery, N.W., Blakeslee, A.M.H., Isaksson, J., Roman, J., Wringe, B.F., Stanley, R.E.E., Matheson, K., McKenzie, C.H., Hamilton, L.C., Bradbury, I.R. 2018. Temporal dynamics of genetic clines of invasive European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in eastern North America. Evolutionary Applications 11:1656-1670.

12. Bradbury, I.R., Wringe, B.F., Watson, B., Paterson, I.G., Horne, J.B. Beiko, R., Lehnert, S.J., Clément, M., Anderson, E.C, Jeffery, N.W., Duffy, S., Sylvester, E.V.A., Robertson, M.J., Bentzen, P. 2018. Genotyping-by-sequencing of genome-wide microsatellite loci reveals fine-scale harvest composition in a coastal Atlantic salmon fishery. Evolutionary Applications 11:918-930.

11. Lehnert, S.J., Helou, L., Pitcher, T.E., Heath, J.W., Heath, D.D. 2018. Sperm competition, but not major histocompatibility divergence, drives differential fertilization success between alternative reproductive tactics of Chinook salmon. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31:88-97.

10. Domingo, T., Starosta, K., Chester, A., Williams, J., Lehnert, S.J., Gantner, N., Alava, J.J. 2018. Fukushima-derived radioactivity measurements in Pacific salmon and soil samples collected in British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 96:124-131.

9. Wiper, M., Lehnert, S.J., Heath, D.D., Higgs, D.M. 2017. Neutral genetic variation in adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) shows effects on a somatic trade-off and morphological laterality. Royal Society Open Science 4:170989.

8. Lehnert, S.J., Butts, I.A.E., Flannery, E.W., Peters, K.M., Heath, D.D., Pitcher, T.E. 2017. Effects of ovarian fluid and genetic differences on sperm performance and fertilization success of alternative reproductive tactics in Chinook salmon. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30:1236–1245.

7. Lehnert, S.J., Devlin, R.H., Pitcher, T.E., Semeniuk, C.A.D., Heath, D.D. 2017. Redder isn’t always better: cost of carotenoids in Chinook salmon eggs. Behavioral Ecology 28: 549-555.

6. Lehnert, S.J., Heath, D.D., Devlin, R.H., Pitcher, T.E. 2017. Post-spawning sexual selection in red and white Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Behavioral Ecology 28: 1-10.

5. Falica, B.K., Lehnert, S.J., Pitcher, T.E., Heath, D.D., Higgs, D.M. 2017. Ontogenetic shifts in genetic and maternal effects on length and survival in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Aquaculture 468:218-225.

4. Lehnert, S.J., Pitcher, T.E., Devlin, R.H., Heath, D.D. 2016. Red and white Chinook salmon: mate choice and genetic divergence. Molecular Ecology 25:1259-1274.

3. Lehnert, S.J., Love, O.P., Pitcher, T.E., Higgs, D.M., Heath, D.D. 2014. Multigenerational outbreeding effects in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Genetica 142:281-293.

2. Lehnert, S.J., Heath, J.W., Heath, D.D. 2013. Ecological and genetic risks arising from reproductive interactions between wild and farmed Chinook salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1691-1698.

1. Lehnert, S.J., Heath, D.D., Pitcher, T.E. 2012. Sperm trait differences between wild and farmed Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Aquaculture 344:242-247.

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