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PI: Dr. Sarah Lehnert

Research Scientist: DFO NL, North Atlantic Fisheries Center

Adjunct Professor: Ocean Sciences Center, MUN

PDF: Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Bradbury Population Genomics Lab)

PhD, MSc: University of Windsor (Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research)

BSc: University of New Brunswick


My research has focused on different areas in evolutionary ecology with a specific interest in understanding the mechanisms that act to maintain variation in nature. While I have always been interested in basic science, my work often addresses applied questions for management and conservation. My PhD research focused on understanding the evolution of carotenoid pigmentation in salmon, an important fitness trait that also has applications in the aquaculture industry. As a postdoc, my research focused on population genomics of marine species, including the invasive European green crab, commercial sea scallop, and Atlantic salmon. Now I work as a Research Scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada in St. John's, NL, and my work focuses on using evolutionary genetics to support conservation and management of salmonids. I also serve as a member of COSEWIC's Marine Fishes Species Subcommittee (SSC) to provide science advice that can directly influence conservation of species in Canada.


Contact: sarah.lehnert [at]



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